Jason lives in rural Pennsylvania, and spends a majority of his time working on collaborative projects. He enjoys dabbling around with different independent game projects and making shiny things in Photoshop. Besides pointing out awkward kerning, questioning interface designing decisions, and not letting things go unfixed, he usually can be found mocking up theoretical designs for a wide variety of gaming projects.
With a key attention to detail, he is dedicated to perfection and has carried that into various retail projects, including arcade games such as 'Pump it Up Pro 2', the fan-revival of 'In The Groove 3', and the mobile/arcade hybrid game 'ReRave'. He is also part of a 4-person team that has been working on independent games since 2008. Current projects involve the on-rails shooter 'Bluestreak', and various conceptual gaming prototypes.
Jason Bolt
2027 Mary Ellen Ln.
State College, PA 16803